Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Of course, life's not all about seeing unique and memorable theatre and cinema productions, is it? No, there's also going to see Circus Oz on their penultimate night of their current season; and catching up with old friends for dinner (hi Martin!); and going to the truly excellent Guggenheim exhibition at NGVI again; and visiting the Glasshouse; and going on out dates than turn out not to be dates...

Me and the Irishman are just friends, I learned, after we spent Saturday night hanging out again, which is cool in one way, given that we seem to have cut out the smalltalk phase of getting to know each other and delved straight into some pretty heavy and frank conversations; and hey, I can always do with a good new friend who I bonded with straight away.

On the other hand, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I could have gone a new boyfriend, you know? Oh well, at least I kept my hopes under appropriate restraint this time, rather than getting worked up and consequently collapsing in a sobbing funk.


So, these plenty more fish in the sea I keep hearing about. Someone care to explain just where the hell exactly they are? And son't say Ireland, 'cause I so definitely can't afford the time or the money for a holiday right now...


Evol Kween said...

I feel for ya Mr Watts. Damn Irishmen, why are they all so alluring!?

Anonymous said...

yep, the irish are such teasers.... and the scottish... and probably the welsh if john barrowman is anything to go by....

unrequited love in good friends can also be very fulfilling...feeling for ya

Anthony said...

I think its ANYONE with an accent that has a certain charm that we Aussies love... hell, go to Montreal and you'll not only cream your jeans at the hot French Canadians, but their accent is to DIE for!

Great blog BTW, been a lurker for a while, but I thought it high time to say hello... Hello! ;)

Read: the-melburnian.blogspot.com

richardwatts said...

Thanks for the support, gentlemen.

I don't think all Irishmen are alluring, evol kween - perhaps they have a policy of only letting the cute ones travel overseas?

yarraville paul - I think i'd rather have some requited love this time around. :-)

anthony - hello, welcome, thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Bugger, i thought he might have been the one!

I regards to plenty of fish, I hear they are having a bumper catch done in Port Welshpool.

Fancy a roadtrip? ;-)

Sam said...

Irish accent? *melts*

I fully appreciate your frustration.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the modern dilemma.

Gay, or not gay?

And if gay, dates or not-dates?

They are single, or still pining after their ex (which you find out about later after a few dates (or not-dates))?

Big kiss.

richardwatts said...

Thanks, Rick! *hug*

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you find them fish!